Comments 8

Full on fall

This weekend we played with leaves, picked up pinecones and enjoyed those last rays of sunshine before it got too cold to stay out.

And then we went inside and helped ourselves to warm mugs of hot apple cider. Milk for the little one, who will be two in a couple short months.

In my eyes, he is still so much a baby, but when I look at these photos, I can also see a boy.

Oh, how I wish time would slow down.

Happy fall to you all!

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  1. Brittany Funk says

    He is precious! I’m currently pregnant and keep waiting for time to hurry up to the next big moment and I have to remind myself to slow down and embrace every day. I’m sure time only gets faster once that bundle of joy arrives. Anyways, great pictures of your boy!


    • Aww, congratulations! The time flies so quickly, especially when they are tiny and squishy. Hope the rest of your pregnancy and journey into motherhood is a smooth one. :)

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