All posts tagged: National Cherry Blossom Festival

Cherry Blossom Festival on film

If you remember from this post, my father owned and used a Nikkormat film camera in the 1970s. Well, guess who dusted it off and put it to work recently? This gal. Since I’m lucky enough to live close to Washington, D.C., I’ve been to the festival before and have taken photos of the blossoms time and time again. This time around, I thought I’d try something different in capturing one of my favorite spring time events. All photos are taken with ISO 400 film. Above at left is Jeff, my go-to friend for all things film. I hope everyone has a friend who encourages you to try new things; it’s good for you! Using film again was, I have to say, exhilarating. Finishing off a 24-exposure roll was more gratifying than taking hundreds of digital photos. I certainly won’t be packing my dad’s camera away just yet. I hope I made you proud, dad! P.S. My first and second exposure to manual SLR film cameras. (Pun intended, haha.)

National Cherry Blossom Festival

I’ve been lucky enough to attend the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C., for the past three years. It truly is a sight to behold, and this year was no different. Through my eyes… On Saturday, it hailed and rained early afternoon before blue skies appeared. Magnolia trees are also in bloom and just as beautiful. They happen to be Margaret’s favorite. The Japanese Stone Lantern was presented in 1954 as a symbol of cultural partnership between Japan and the United States after World War II.